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Elephant conservation: African & Asian Elephants


2014 - Ongoing


Multiple countries in Africa and Asia


Eagle Network, Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW), Humane Society International, etc.

 Anti - Ivory Trafficking 


Ivory trafficking, often linked to sophisticated organized crime networks operating globally, poses exacerbated challenges due to traffickers' use of sophisticated smuggling techniques, making detection and interception difficult.


In the battle against ivory trafficking, the China House team conducted extensive investigations and research in African and Asian countries actively involved in the trade, such as Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, and Vietnam. 

In Uganda, our collaboration with Eagle Network's Ofir Drori involved conducting thorough research into the operations of five syndicates across East and South Africa, delving into their intricate workings. This comprehensive initiative achieved a significant milestone—the successful arrest of a key figure, Tinka. This operation represents a crucial step in disrupting and curbing illegal ivory trafficking activities in the region.

The village of Nhi Khe in Vietnam, notorious for its involvement in the ivory and rhino horn trade, became a focus. Collaborating with the Wildlife Justice Commission, our comprehensive research aimed to unravel the intricacies of this hub and understand its role in the entire ivory trade line from Africa to China. The objective was straightforward: to provide essential insights that could disrupt and dismantle the illegal ivory trade network. Our approach involved focused research, specifically examining the operations and functions of Nhi Khe, Vietnam. By unveiling this hub's inner workings, we aimed to deliver actionable intelligence, empowering efforts to combat and mitigate the impact of illicit wildlife trafficking from Africa to China.

 Reducing Ivory Demand - in Africa 


In 2017, the global community celebrated the significant decision by the Chinese government to ban the ivory trade. Despite this positive development, the illegal ivory trade continued in regions where Chinese communities in Africa had intricate connections with the local trade. In these areas, Chinese communities play a dual role – as consumers of illegal wildlife products, contributing to poaching, and as hubs for smuggling these products to China.

Efforts by various international NGOs to influence Chinese communities in African countries to cease the ivory trade and promote wildlife conservation have faced challenges due to a lack of understanding and trust. However, China House, a Chinese organization, possesses a unique advantage. With in-depth knowledge and networks within these communities, we provide services to businesses and have successfully built relationships that dispel suspicions held by these communities regarding "foreign NGOs."


1. Extensive Educational Outreach on Ivory Trade (2015-2018):

Successfully educated Chinese communities and corporations in Kenya, South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania, Namibia, and Zimbabwe, specifically on the ivory trade and wildlife conservation. Employing a multi-faceted approach including awareness campaigns, workshops, lectures, marches, and community involvement, the initiative directly impacted over 160,000 individuals. It instilled knowledge and fostered positive attitudes towards the challenges of ivory trade and wildlife conservation among thousands of Chinese residents in Africa. The project garnered extensive media coverage, with over 50 reports in newspapers, TV shows, and social media platforms, amassing a viewership of over 2.6 million.

2. Collective Efforts Against Ivory Trade:

China House has achieved success in forming critical partnerships with a diverse array of stakeholders. This includes Chinese embassies, corporations, community leaders, local organizations, community members, government bodies, and NGOs. The emphasis of these collaborations is specifically directed toward addressing the challenges posed by the ivory trade. Through united efforts, these partnerships aim to implement effective measures and initiatives to curb illegal ivory activities and promote wildlife conservation.

3. Integration into Corporate Practices:

China House's initiative successfully integrated wildlife conservation activities into the construction sites of Chinese corporations operating in Africa. This pioneering approach promotes sustainable practices within the business sector, aligning corporate activities with wildlife protection and the fight against the ivory trade.

4. Community engagement - "Walk for Elephants" Public Welfare Walk:

In collaboration with the Chinese Embassy in Tanzania, China House orchestrated Africa's premier Chinese-sponsored public welfare walk for wildlife, "Walk for Elephants." This event witnessed the enthusiastic participation of more than 500 Tanzanians and Chinese citizens, highlighting a shared commitment to wildlife conservation, specifically addressing the challenges posed by the ivory trade.

5. Community engagement - Inaugural Color Run in Kenya:

China House organized Africa's inaugural color run with a wildlife protection theme in Kenya. The event attracted over 500 participants from Kenya and China, fostering awareness and unity in the fight against the ivory trade and wildlife conservation. This unique initiative engaged communities through a vibrant and positive platform, encouraging active participation in the cause.

6. Boycotting the Ivory and Rhino Horn Trade Campaign:

China House initiated a campaign within Chinese communities in Tanzania, garnering thousands of signatures. This campaign aimed to raise awareness and encourage a collective stance against the ivory and rhino horn trade, emphasizing the crucial role of individual actions in combating illegal wildlife activities and promoting wildlife conservation. 

 Reducing Ivory Demand - in Asia 


China House stands as one of the largest importers of ivory globally. Despite this, the concept of wildlife conservation is still in its early stages of development within the nation, posing significant challenges in addressing critical issues like the illegal ivory trade.


Acknowledging this crucial gap, China House has taken proactive strides to address this issue head-on. China House has launched a series of impactful awareness campaigns on a national scale strategically designed to actively engage the public in reducing the demand for ivory products. Through extensive awareness initiatives, China House endeavors to educate the public on the severe consequences of the illegal ivory trade. This strategic approach aims to instigate a cultural shift, steering the collective mindset toward more sustainable practices and a substantial reduction in ivory consumption.


1. Education in Schools and Public Sectors:

China House takes an active role in educating both youth and the broader public through comprehensive campaigns, workshops, and lectures tailored for schools, universities, and various public sectors. The commitment of China House to this cause has been acknowledged by prestigious institutions like Peking University and Fudan University. Invited to deliver impactful speeches, China House sheds light on the urgency of preserving our natural heritage. 

2. Ivory Awareness on Social Media:

China House strategically utilizes dynamic campaigns on key Chinese platforms, Sina Weibo and WeChat, to spotlight the ivory trade. These efforts are specifically designed to raise awareness about the consequences of ivory consumption, fostering a culture of informed and responsible choices. Leveraging the broad reach of these platforms, China House engages the public in conversations aimed at reducing ivory consumption and addressing the specific challenges of the ivory trade.

3. Crafting Online Content to Combat Ivory Trade:

China House delves into the digital landscape, producing captivating multimedia content encompassing articles, videos, and infographics. This content is meticulously designed to educate consumers specifically about the ivory trade and its impact on wildlife. Through accessible and compelling materials, China House aims to demystify the complexities surrounding ivory consumption, fostering a shift in public perception and behavior.

 Promote Human - Elephant Coexistence 


By 2021, Yunnan's wild Asian elephant population had increased to approximately 360, up from 293 in 2018. While this growth is positive, it has brought about new challenges.


In 2017, a group of wild Asian elephants found a home in Dashujiao Village, Yunnan province, China. These elephants are encroaching into forests and villages, leading to conflicts with humans. They trample farmlands, causing damage to crops such as corn and mangoes, resulting in significant economic losses. More critically, the elephants enter villagers' homes, posing threats to their safety and, at times, causing injuries. Between 1991 and 2016, elephant incidents incurred around 327 million yuan in costs, with 53 fatalities and 299 injuries, highlighting the complex issues arising from the coexistence of a growing elephant population and local communities.


1. Installing Electric Fences:

The mechanism of the electric fences is straightforward. As dusk falls, the power is activated, and elephants coming into contact with the wires receive a mild shock, deterring them from raiding crop fields or damaging properties. To support the installation of electric fences in the villages, we established the Dashujiao region Electric Fence Fund in July 2022, successfully raising over RMB 20,000. This initiative assisted 21 villagers with installing electric fences, significantly improving the safety of local residents.

2. Installing Solar-powered Lights:

In addition to electric fences, we strategically placed solar-powered lights to create a barrier or boundary that elephants are less likely to cross. The sudden illumination can startle them, and the continuous light may be perceived as a threat or disturbance, encouraging the elephants to change their path. In 2021, our team installed 90 solar-powered elephant lights to reduce the risk for local farmers frequently disturbed by wild Asian elephants.

This combined approach of electric fences and solar-powered lights aims to minimize human-elephant conflicts, protect crop fields, and enhance the overall safety and well-being of both the elephants and the local community.

3. Phone App Modification - Mapping Elephant Activity Hotspots:

In our ongoing efforts to address human-elephant conflicts, we have introduced an innovative solution involving the modification of a phone app for mapping elephant activity hotspots. Through meaningful conversations with villagers and patrollers, valuable insights into patterns of elephant appearances have been identified.

To enhance our understanding of elephant activity, we have initiated the recording of this information and the creation of a comprehensive hotspot map. This initiative began in October 2022, utilizing the Asian Elephant Warning Platform to organize and analyze data effectively. As of now, we have successfully compiled ten months' worth of early warning data.


This modified phone app serves as a crucial tool in mapping and predicting areas where elephants are likely to appear, allowing for proactive measures to be taken to mitigate potential conflicts. By leveraging technology in this manner, we aim to enhance the safety of both the local community and the wild Asian elephants in the region.

4. Promoting Harmonious Coexistence: Sustainable Education Initiatives:

In our commitment to fostering the harmonious coexistence of humans and Asian elephants, our team has implemented various outreach activities under the banner of sustainable education. A significant milestone is the establishment of the "Wild Elephant Village" website, serving as a platform to share compelling stories of Yunnan residents and local Asian elephants. Through this website, our aim is to raise awareness and enhance public understanding of human-elephant conflicts.

Furthermore, we have conducted workshops tailored for children. These workshops focus on educating children about preventing encounters with wild Asian elephants and enhancing their safety awareness. To supplement these educational efforts, we have also created a video and a mural, providing villagers with practical strategies for peaceful coexistence with Asian elephants.

Our ongoing initiatives include the design of informative brochures, with the intention of effectively disseminating knowledge among villagers. Through these sustainable education initiatives, our overarching goal is to foster understanding, mitigate conflicts, and contribute to the overall well-being of both the local community and the wild Asian elephants in the region.

 Community Livelihood Development - In Africa 


Since 2018, our collaboration with Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya has focused on addressing challenges related to wildlife poaching and community livelihood empowerment. 

The community residing near Ol Pejeta Conservancy faces several difficulties, notably human-wildlife conflicts exacerbated by the conservancy's proximity. Livelihood disruptions, primarily in agriculture and livestock rearing, result in economic losses for residents, while safety concerns arise from frequent interactions with wildlife, particularly elephants. 

Additionally, the community grapples with limited economic opportunities, imposing financial constraints that hinder their overall well-being. Our ongoing efforts seek to alleviate these challenges and promote a more sustainable and harmonious coexistence between the community and wildlife.


China House has collaborated with Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya to facilitate community development.


Utilizing low-interest loans and internationally advanced poverty alleviation methods, the China House team has supported the local community investing in 20 beehives. This initiative serves a dual purpose by not only creating economic opportunities for the community but also employing an effective method to deter elephants from human residential areas.

Beehives act as a natural deterrent, as elephants tend to avoid areas inhabited by bees. The honey products derived from these beehives also contribute to empowering local farmers financially. Through this collaborative effort, the project aims to foster sustainable community development, promote economic resilience, and create a more harmonious coexistence between the local community and wildlife.

 Community Livelihood Development - In Asia 


Dashujiao Village, situated in the mountains with limited resources and transportation options, faces challenges, especially due to elephant crop damage, resulting in low incomes for many residents.


To assist villagers in enhancing their income, our team has undertaken several initiatives to create ethical products. For example, we have established a brand called Elephant Tea(大象茶), collaborated with youth artists to create postcards featuring Asian elephants, and introduced a beekeeping project. These initiatives aim to contribute to the economic upliftment of the community, providing sustainable livelihood options and fostering a more resilient and empowered local population.


1. Elephant Tea – Enhancing Income and Promoting Sustainable Agriculture:

To elevate villagers' income and foster sustainable agriculture, our team initiated the creation of "Elephant Tea." With the aim of encouraging more villagers to cultivate high-value, eco-friendly tea, we purchase ecological tea from locals at higher prices than the market rate. This tea, available both online and offline, not only serves to increase the income of the villagers but also acts as a catalyst for the broader promotion of sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices in the community. All profits generated from the sale of Elephant Tea are dedicated to welfare programs in Dashujiao Village, creating a sustainable cycle of economic empowerment and environmental stewardship.

2. Beekeeping Project - Harmonizing Livelihoods and Wildlife Conservation:

Our beekeeping project not only seeks to diversify income sources for villagers but also functions as a strategic measure to deter elephants from approaching households. The presence of beehives serves as a natural deterrent, leveraging the instinctive avoidance behavior of elephants towards areas inhabited by bees.

Beyond the economic benefits, beekeeping actively contributes to environmental sustainability by supporting pollination and biodiversity. The pollination process facilitated by bees is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and promoting the growth of various plant species.

Through the implementation of the "Beekeeping Project," our goal is to establish a harmonious coexistence between the local community and the elephant. This initiative simultaneously addresses economic needs and environmental considerations and provides a natural solution to mitigate human-elephant conflicts, fostering a more balanced and sustainable ecosystem.

In October 2022, we initiated the "Dashujiao Village Beekeeping Project," aiming to support eight villagers in beekeeping. We have secured cooperation with the local beekeeping training company; intention and fundraising efforts are currently underway. This project represents a significant step towards achieving a holistic approach to community development that aligns with both economic prosperity and wildlife conservation.

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